
Survivalist Gear

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Fab-Lab: Your Survival Secret Weapon!

So you’re interested in survival and preparedness,
and you feel like you’re ready, but are you? If disaster struck
tomorrow, could you do more than just subsist? Could you beat back the
chaos and rebuild to the point where you were thriving, rather than
merely living a hardscrabble existence? If your disaster preparation
plans include building a fully functioning Fabrication Laboratory
(Fab-Lab, for short), the answer to the question is yes!

 Read More Here:

The Fab-Lab: Your Survival Secret Weapon!

Survival Straps – Five Surprising Uses

The reality is that survival straps (and by all means, if you’re going
to wear one, wear two or more!) can really save your bacon in a pinch!
They’re extremely useful and versatile, and at the end of the day,
that’s what we want from our survival gear,
right? A piece of equipment we can use in a variety of different ways,
depending on the specific circumstance we find ourselves in, and since
that’s true, sit back, relax, and read about five creative ways to put
your survival straps to work for you!

 Read All Article Here:

BlogSurvival Straps – Five Surprising Uses

Have a Survival Guide for Emergency Preparedness

Individuals who experience a power outage needs to be prepared to ensure
their home will remain safe and comfortable. Preparedness for any emergencies
that can occur when power goes out will require a survival guide. One
important aspect to keep in mind is many people who live in urban areas
will often lack any type of generator to use for emergency power.

Read all Article here:

Have a Survival Guide for Emergency Preparedness

Five Must Haves in Your Emergency Medicine Kit

We can’t avert emergencies but we can surely prepare for them. Experts in emergency preparedness insist that we must carry emergency medicine in our first aid kits. What they forget to tell us though, is exactly which drugs to carry for which condition?

Here is a list of five medicines you must have with you in case emergency strikes:

Read Full Article Here:

Five Must Haves in Your Emergency Medicine Kit

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Survival Bracelet – The Best Friend You Didn’t Know You Had!

If you could only take one piece of survival
gear into the wilderness with you, what would it be? Your trusty knife?
That would be a solid, sensible choice, absolutely. A compass, perhaps?
A canteen? Water purification tablets? Something else? Seriously, give
the matter a few moments thought. What about a survival bracelet?

You might get more than a few crossways glances if you picked the
lowly survival bracelet as your choice for that “one thing” to take with
you into the wilds, but is it such a silly choice? Given its sheer
versatility, perhaps not.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Emergency Services – The First Casualty | Modern Survival Blog

When disaster strikes, there’s one thing you can rely on. One of the first casualties is going to be our national system of Emergency Services. Many people mistakenly assume that in the event of a disaster (whether natural or financial), a nation like the United States, with its vast, high quality infrastructure, will be able to weather the stormrelatively easier than almost anywhere else on earth, but the reality is quite different.

If you look at recent regional disasters from Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, to Super Storm Sandy in the Northeast, what you find is a pattern of glaring weakness. If we compare either of these two
examples to a full blown, national disaster, they’re really quite small. In fact, both of them combined… both of them happening at the same time would still be fairly small when compared next to a nationwide disaster, and yet, look at what happened.

Read full article here:

Emergency Services – The First Casualty

Emergency Essentials - Building an Emergency Kit

What we call emergencies are actually events that happen when we are not prepared. This makes it necessary for everyone to have some emergency essentials nearby at all times.

Many people rarely see the need for emergency essentials. Only when
the worst happens, do they realize that they could have been better

The world is a beautiful place but when the inevitable happens, it
can be sheer dread. Think of a tsunami, a terrorist attack or an
earthquake-such events never knock on your door and wait till you are
ready! This makes it mandatory for any human being to have a kit filled
with some emergency essentials.

Here is how to build your own emergency kit:

Read More:

Emergency Essentials - Building an Emergency Kit