
Survivalist Gear

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What’s the Best Survival Knife Money Can Buy?

The first thing you should understand is that no matter what anyone tells you, there is no such thing as the “best survival knife.” About all that can be said is that somewhere out there, there’s a ‘best survival knife’ for YOU. At the end of the day, a lot of it is going to come down to personal preferences, what you’re comfortable with, and what your specific needs (and strengths, as a survivalist) are.

Having said that, there’s a lot of pretenders we can eliminate right off the bat. What I mean by that is, there are a lot of knives out there that play at being “survival knives” but in reality, just aren’t, so even if we can’t identify the one ‘best survival knife’ in the world, we can certainly thin the herd and get rid of the ones that, for a variety of reasons, fall well short of the title.

Continue reading below:

What’s the Best Survival Knife Money Can Buy?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Modern Survival Blog: Urban Survival Tips

The vast majority of articles on survival tips you see seem to be geared toward wilderness survival, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Wilderness survival skills are hugely important, and will help you in any setting. However, having said that, there are some skills that are only applicable in an urban setting, and these seldom get a mention articles dealing with wilderness survival (you’ll see why in just a moment). The fact is though, that right now, in the United States, nearly 80% of our population lives in urban centers. That means if and when disaster should strike, four fifths of the US population could benefit from survival tips with an urban flair.

That said, here are the top three things you can do to make your life easier in an urban setting:
Read Full Article on the link below:

Urban Survival Tips

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Urban Survival Skills

Everybody should know basic survival skills. Building a fire. Keeping warm and dry when outdoors. Finding and/or catching food. Those are the basic, bedrock survival skills that everybody needs, regardless of setting.

I’m going to assume you already know those things, and talk about what happens next. Let’s say you find yourself faced with a disaster. Maybe even a disaster of Biblical proportions. If and when that happens, in the first few days, you’ll rely heavily on the skills above, but after that? Well, after that you’re going to stop living moment to moment and start planning for a more settled future. What follows then, will be the skills you’ll need to focus on to get you to the next level, and make no mistake, your long term survival will absolutely depend on your ability to move away from the basics. One final note:

Given that most of the world’s population now lives in urban areas, we’re going to approach the subject of the survival skills you’ll need to thrive in the long run from the perspective of you in a post-emergency urban area.

Here’s your top three: 

Urban Survival Skills

The Survival Bracelet:The Best Friend You Didn’t Know You Had!

If you could only take one piece of survival gear into the wilderness with you, what would it be? Your trusty knife? That would be a solid, sensible choice, absolutely. A compass, perhaps? A canteen? Water purification tablets? Something else? Seriously, give the matter a few moments thought. What about a survival bracelet?

You might get more than a few crossways glances if you picked the lowly survival bracelet as your choice for that “one thing” to take with you into the wilds, but is it such a silly choice? Given its sheer versatility, perhaps not.

Consider just a few things below that you could do with it:

Read Full Article Here:

The Survival Bracelet – The Best Friend You Didn’t Know You Had!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Fab-Lab: Your Survival Secret Weapon!

So you’re interested in survival and preparedness,
and you feel like you’re ready, but are you? If disaster struck
tomorrow, could you do more than just subsist? Could you beat back the
chaos and rebuild to the point where you were thriving, rather than
merely living a hardscrabble existence? If your disaster preparation
plans include building a fully functioning Fabrication Laboratory
(Fab-Lab, for short), the answer to the question is yes!

 Read More Here:

The Fab-Lab: Your Survival Secret Weapon!

Survival Straps – Five Surprising Uses

The reality is that survival straps (and by all means, if you’re going
to wear one, wear two or more!) can really save your bacon in a pinch!
They’re extremely useful and versatile, and at the end of the day,
that’s what we want from our survival gear,
right? A piece of equipment we can use in a variety of different ways,
depending on the specific circumstance we find ourselves in, and since
that’s true, sit back, relax, and read about five creative ways to put
your survival straps to work for you!

 Read All Article Here:

BlogSurvival Straps – Five Surprising Uses

Have a Survival Guide for Emergency Preparedness

Individuals who experience a power outage needs to be prepared to ensure
their home will remain safe and comfortable. Preparedness for any emergencies
that can occur when power goes out will require a survival guide. One
important aspect to keep in mind is many people who live in urban areas
will often lack any type of generator to use for emergency power.

Read all Article here:

Have a Survival Guide for Emergency Preparedness

Five Must Haves in Your Emergency Medicine Kit

We can’t avert emergencies but we can surely prepare for them. Experts in emergency preparedness insist that we must carry emergency medicine in our first aid kits. What they forget to tell us though, is exactly which drugs to carry for which condition?

Here is a list of five medicines you must have with you in case emergency strikes:

Read Full Article Here:

Five Must Haves in Your Emergency Medicine Kit

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Survival Bracelet – The Best Friend You Didn’t Know You Had!

If you could only take one piece of survival
gear into the wilderness with you, what would it be? Your trusty knife?
That would be a solid, sensible choice, absolutely. A compass, perhaps?
A canteen? Water purification tablets? Something else? Seriously, give
the matter a few moments thought. What about a survival bracelet?

You might get more than a few crossways glances if you picked the
lowly survival bracelet as your choice for that “one thing” to take with
you into the wilds, but is it such a silly choice? Given its sheer
versatility, perhaps not.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Emergency Services – The First Casualty | Modern Survival Blog

When disaster strikes, there’s one thing you can rely on. One of the first casualties is going to be our national system of Emergency Services. Many people mistakenly assume that in the event of a disaster (whether natural or financial), a nation like the United States, with its vast, high quality infrastructure, will be able to weather the stormrelatively easier than almost anywhere else on earth, but the reality is quite different.

If you look at recent regional disasters from Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, to Super Storm Sandy in the Northeast, what you find is a pattern of glaring weakness. If we compare either of these two
examples to a full blown, national disaster, they’re really quite small. In fact, both of them combined… both of them happening at the same time would still be fairly small when compared next to a nationwide disaster, and yet, look at what happened.

Read full article here:

Emergency Services – The First Casualty

Emergency Essentials - Building an Emergency Kit

What we call emergencies are actually events that happen when we are not prepared. This makes it necessary for everyone to have some emergency essentials nearby at all times.

Many people rarely see the need for emergency essentials. Only when
the worst happens, do they realize that they could have been better

The world is a beautiful place but when the inevitable happens, it
can be sheer dread. Think of a tsunami, a terrorist attack or an
earthquake-such events never knock on your door and wait till you are
ready! This makes it mandatory for any human being to have a kit filled
with some emergency essentials.

Here is how to build your own emergency kit:

Read More:

Emergency Essentials - Building an Emergency Kit

Monday, March 24, 2014


Let’s face it, a smooth road trip is not something to come by easily. However, how prepared your family is determines how little time you waste on unplanned incidents. Actually, family road is one of the best ways to create memorable family events. Do you want an overall successful trip? Then do no deny tour family a great deal of fun on the road by simply being prepared. This article will take through an essential family survival guide that will make you enjoy traveling than ever before! The following tips will make your travel tour less rough.

First, it is important to train for an emergency.


Just make sure that your family members have important skills like: carrying out a first-aid, replacing car wheels, arranging a shelter using available material and self-defense tactics. Survival is all about
working with what is available so the mentioned skills can prove important in case of an accident or an animal attack. Whenever a bad incident occurs that does not mean the road trip has to end abruptly.

Read More Tips Here:

Friday, February 28, 2014

First Aid Kit | EssentialPreps

First Aid Kit | EssentialPreps @

The Best Source for Essential Survivalist Gear, Prepper Gear, and Emergency Supplies. For Orders Online Just visit us @

Get the latest update in our blog @

Don't forget to like our facebook page for more deals and discount @

Follow us on Twitter also @

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fire Starter & Other Fire Starting Gear

Fire Starter & Other Fire Starting Gear @

The Best Source for Essential Survivalist Gear, Prepper Gear, and Emergency Supplies. For Orders Online Just visit us @

Get the latest update in our blog @

Don't forget to like our facebook page for more deals and discount @

Follow us on Twitter also @

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Survival Gear & Emergency Supplies | EssentialPreps

The Best Source for Essential Survivalist Gear, Prepper Gear, and Emergency Supplies. For cheap deals and discount preps, call 1-888-855-9373 or visit our online shop @

Get the latest update in our blog @

Don't forget to like our facebook page for more deals and discount @

Follow us on Twitter also @

Friday, February 14, 2014

Survival Kit for 2 Person

Although you're able to make your own kit by personalizing it with items you consider essential (and we have plenty of those!), it's actually a lot easier to purchase a pre-made kit such as the 2 person deluxe survival kit, that was put together by experts and contains everything you'll ever need during a survival situation.

Most survival kits vary as they're made for different purposes and people, Ours is multi-functional which means it can be used at home, in the car, and the backpack will allow you to take everything outdoors no matter what the time of year or weather conditions.
If you're considering purchasing a survival kit, here you'll find some general information to help you understand how this one in particular can benefit you as well as what it's going to provide you with.
First off, a survival kit is fairly self-explanatory as it's basically a combination of items designed to help you survive through an emergency. The point of a survival kit is also to provide you with those life preservation essentials no matter what your situation is, or what the weather conditions are.
Although you can look into information letting you know what kind of items are essential for a survival kit, we've actually done all the research and hard work for you by putting the most important ones together in a practical manner.

Read Full Article Here: Survival Kit for 2 Person

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Preparedness Package Tips for Survival Needs

Survival has always been considered a priority and is an actual concern for every person out there that has already been through a natural disaster and has made it out alive. We can't really match nature in terms of raw power and this is proven over and over with every hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake and winter storm that appears in different parts of the world frequently. It just goes to show how defenseless we can to be when unprepared, and we're actually more prone to natural disaster if we choose not to prepare ourselves.
If you and your family have ever gone through a natural disaster, you're probably aware of how challenging it is just to stay alive and realize that preparedness is everything. Having the ability to do something about natural disasters other than prepare yourself is almost always a failed attempt as there's no way we can concur nature entirely. This also isn't an excuse to be reluctant when it comes to preparation.
The good news is that as a human race we're still here and although millions of people have lost their lives due to natural disasters over the years, there are actually just as many that managed to make it out alive and were able to tell the story.
If you want to ensure you'll be able to survive through just about any situation out there, you should consider our guardian preparedness package as you won't need much besides this package and some will power.
This is a 72 hour survival kit that you'll easily be able to grab a hold of in case a disaster strikes. Some people refer to a survival kit of this kind as the "grab-and-go" pack because it contains everything you need to stay alive for at least 3 days prior to getting help. A lot of lives could have been saved if more people had access to kits of this kind while they're waiting for the arrival of rescuers and medical assistance.

Read full article here: Preparedness Package Tips for Survival Needs

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Is canned food something you should consider?

How do you stay prepared for an emergency situation?

Some of the best advice provided by both our government officials as well as hardcore dedicated survivalists is to visit a local super store and purchase good nutritious canned food which includes dry grains, and then carefully store it. However, there are some limitations to this tactic which you need to be aware of.

Here you will learn how to can your favorite food in glass jars which will then be stored for good. Jars are probably the first thing that pops into everyone’s head as generations upon generations before us used this exact method to store their food for winter period.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Just like the majority of other food storage methods, there are some advantages and disadvantages involved that you need to know about. Being that there is a financial investment which takes part in this, you’ll need to learn as much as you can about it!

The first disadvantage for most people out there who don’t have access to an unlimited budget is that canned foods and canning in general can get expensive.

Read full article here: Is canned food something you should consider?

Friday, January 31, 2014

What Is The Most Credible Survival Blog To Follow? Here Are Our Top 10 Choices

The core idea of survival training is to initially become familiar with the right things to do as you’re in the midst of a crisis situation or somewhere out in the wilderness, and then to apply it. Though you probably don’t expect to get lost by yourself or with friends/family at a certain point, you have to be aware that it could happen. Survivalism is all about staying in a prepared state of mind in case things which are not expected occur, and you can learn a lot from a good survival blog.

Regardless of whether you get lost somewhere far off in the wilderness or you’re stuck in the middle of a natural disaster, your survival instinct will probably remain the same. The reason why is because in all those instances you’ll have to rely upon your skills to make it.

Right now you can read lots of books, magazines and websites, but unless you’re prepared and know exactly what you’re doing, you don’t stand a chance. Make sure you pay close attention as you read your favorite survival blog as there’s a chance it resonates with you deeply and can bring plenty of useful information to the table for you.

You will notice that the best survival blog actually practices what it preaches, and so we’ve compiled a list of 10 worthy modern survival blogs you should make sure to follow on a regular basis.

Want to see the list? Read the full article here: Modern Survival Blog | EssentialPrepsBlogWhat Is The Most Credible Survival Blog To Follow? Here Are Our Top 10 Choices.

Monday, January 27, 2014

What Survival Blogs Won’t Tell You: Here’s Exactly What You’ll Need For Survival

Survival blogs out there tend to share their tips and tricks for security during a worst case scenario or an emergency, so here is our list of well thought out survival tricks to learn.

First off, understand that these skills are universally applicable,
meaning that if you get caught in an earthquake you might need to apply
the same things you would during a civil war or a zombie apocalypse.

- Stock up or look around for food and water.

Though some people are lucky enough to be living in the wild
somewhere offering them a permanent supply of drinkable water, you might
not be as lucky.

As you’re going out into the wilderness you’ll have to know where to
look for food as well as how to tell whether certain foods/things are

Berries and mushrooms can be poisonous and kill you quick if you pick
out the wrong ones. Also you’ll be able to make your water drinkable
without much effort, as long as you have simple things such as a bottle,
fire and string.

Read full article here:

What Survival Blogs Won’t Tell You: Here’s Exactly What You’ll Need For Survival

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dont Have An Emergency Action Plan? Find Out What Makes A Good One!

It is of critical importance to choose wisely and then store your
survivalism foods because there's always the possibility you might
become stranded and dont have a single way to purchase supplies for
days, especially during the winter. Pre-packaged survival foods are
available out there and you can add your favorites, thus raising your
spirit. As you're in the process of stocking up the different foods,
make sure you pay attention to the individual needs of your family
members. Preparation is equal to a great emergency action plan.

The first necessity to pay attention to is water. You should have at
least a week's worth of reserve water supplies at all times. One gallon
per person a daily basis should be allowed to do things like wash up,
brush teeth or cook. The typical family of four will need around 30
gallons which will last for a while. Your water can be stored in glass
containers which will ensure it stays fresh.

One other essential is milk. Though your electricity might be out at
first, you're going to find milk packaged in cartons does not require
any refrigeration and comes with a long shelf lifetime. As you're in the
process of stocking up the survival foods, pay attention to their
respective expiry dates in order to know when to replace them. Your milk
can be used for things like cooking and goes hand in hand with cereals,
thus providing additional nourishment. In some instances powdered milk
is acceptable, though it uses up your water.

Read full article on the link below:
Don't Have An Emergency Action Plan? Find Out What Makes A Good One!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Survival Websites Have Lied To You – Top 7 Things That Make Or Break A Survivalist

Is there an effective for you to reduce your vulnerability in every situation as a survivalist?
First, we’ll start by talking about the importance of risk assessment and some of the more basic ideas which you’ll have to use to develop your ability in terms of categorizing survival situations.
If you’re looking to become more aware and grounded as you’re stuck in the midst of a crisis, this article will be of use. Though most books out there will emphasize the importance of essentials like water, food and shelter, I am a firm believer that there are more important things involved.
Read full article:
Survival Websites Have Lied To You – Top 7 Things That Make Or Break A Survivalist

Monday, January 13, 2014

8 Tips for the Perfect Hiking Experience

Having made my share of mistakes in the great outdoors over the years, I have compiled a list of gotcha’s that can be applied to any outdoor adventure. I urge you to print this out and keep it with your outdoor gear. Hiking can be a most rewarding distraction from the daily grind, but safety should NEVER be taken for granted! especially when your fun day out could turn into an emergency survival situation.

1) Plan your hike in advance. You are more likely to have a safe and happy hike if you “plan your hike, and stick to your plan”. To rush out on a big hike w/o proper planning is asking for trouble! ALWAYS notify someone close to you where you will be and how long you will be gone.

2) Know your terrain. Use every resource available to get to know your hiking trail before you set out. there is a lot of information and reviews online for the various hiking trails.This will prepare you for the walking conditions. “Are there streams to cross?, Elevation changes?, Is the terrain rocky or smooth?”, Just some of the questions that can be answered BEFORE you set out.

3) Be aware of the climate. Hypothermia is real, dangerous, and misunderstood. Hypothermia can strike in relatively warm environments. Hypothermia plain and simple is a rapid cooling of the body. This can be caused by cold, wet or a combination of both. Hypothermia can easily be prevented with proper preparation.

Read the full article here: 8 Tips for the Perfect Hiking Experience